Monday, July 14, 2008

Right, well I’m Dave Roberts and to pass my Design course at VUW I have to rave on about a project I’ve done. The last project I did in design 111 (just under a month ago), was creating a clip for the design and architecture school expressing my ideas on what design is. The clip had to be constructed with photos or static images. We had to work in pairs too. So pretty much our theme was ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” The clip consisted of several scenes of different students in different places that they find beauty and then zooming into the eye of each subject and flicking to the next person and place. It continued with pulsing the words “beautiful design,” “is in the eye,” “of the beholder.” Finally finishing with the VUW logo. All the colour is taken out apart from the blue in the photos. My partner Bevin made the music on FL studio, which is a slow break beat electro track. Was it successful? By my standards I was happy with it but I don’t know what my grade was.

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